Wednesday, December 3, 2008


1.    Raspberry Pi based Interactive Home Automation System through E-mail -  2014

Home automation is becoming more and more popular day by day due to its numerous advantages. This can be achieved by local networking or by remote control. This paper aims at designing a basic home automation application on Raspberry Pi through reading the subject of E-mail and the algorithm for the same has been developed in python environment which is the default programming environment provided by Raspberry Pi. Results show the efficient implementation of proposed algorithm for home automation. LEDs were used to indicate the switching action.

2.    Affordable and Energy-Efficient Cloud Computing Clusters: The Bolzano Raspberry Pi Cloud Cluster Experiment – 2013

We present our ongoing work building a Raspberry Pi cluster consisting of 300 nodes. The unique characteristics of this single board computer pose several challenges, but also offer a number of interesting opportunities. On the one hand, a single Raspberry Pi can be purchased cheaply and has a low power consumption, which makes it possible to create an affordable and energy-efficient cluster. On the other hand, it lacks in computing power, which makes it difficult to run computationally intensive software on it. Nevertheless, by combining a large number of Raspberries into a cluster, this drawback can be (partially) offset. Here we report on the first important steps of creating our cluster: how to set up and configure the hardware and the system software, and how to monitor and maintain the system. We also discuss potential use cases for our cluster, the two most important being an inexpensive and green test bed for cloud computing research and a robust and mobile data center for operating in adverse environments.

3.    Embedded System for Visual Odometry and Localization of Moving Objects in Images Acquired by Unmanned Aerial Vehicles – 2013

In this paper is presented the visual odometry and the localization of moving objects from aerial images embedded in an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle system with use of the Raspberry Pi and an IP camera. The techniques used are the Oriented FAST and Rotated BRIEF (ORB) descriptor to detect and extract the interest points and the RANdom SAmple Consensus (RANSAC) method to estimate the parameters from a matched points matrix for finding the camera translation. The visual odometry and morphological operations to point out moving objects have been performed.

4.    Using of Raspberry Pi for Data Acquisition from Biochemical Analyzers – 2013

 A large number of analyses performed in a biochemical laboratory requires that results of these analyses are automatically acquired from analyzers which can be of different types and produced by various producers. Automatic data acquisition prevents errors which are possible if results are manually transcribed into reports for patients. Beside this, acquired results are saved in database from where they are available to be used in electronic health record (EHR). Above requirement resulted in development of a solution for data acquisition from heterogeneous laboratory analyzers. Here we present the solution which is based on minicomputer Raspberry Pi model B, Raspbian OS, Mono Framework and a .NET Framework 4.0 console application written in C# programming language. Proposed solution is tightly connected with medical information system MEDIS.NET and with laboratory information system LabIS. In order to test whole concept we developed a laboratory simulator which completely implements protocol for biochemical analyzers. The emphasis is on an inexpensive solution which connects a large number of heterogeneous analyzers at a biochemical laboratory.

5.    A Low Cost Assistive Outdoor Navigation System for Blind People – 2013

With over 39 million visually impaired people worldwide, the need for an assistive device that allows the blind user navigate freely in crucial. We have developed an off line navigation device that uses 3 D sounds to provide navigation instructions to the user. Our device relays instructional information to the user through special audio bone headphones, which use bone conduction technology. Sounds are recorded and that can be selected by the blind user. Navigation processing is handled by a Raspberry Pi. We are using a magnetic compass and gyroscope to calculate the direction that the user is facing. Route queries of the destination address are geo coded using the geo coder US module and passed to the MO navigation module to generate a pedestrian route. Additional capabilities of the device will include speech recognition and voice prompts for obtaining the users desired destination address. The user can input the address by speaking into a micro phone. The entire system is mounted to a pack that sites on the users waist. It is very light and portable and it does not impede any of the user’s senses while it is being used.

6.    The Glasgow Raspberry Pi Cloud: A Scale Model for Cloud Computing Infrastructures – 2013

  Data Centers (DC) used to support Cloud services often consist of tens of thousands of networked machines under a single roof. The significant capital outlay required to replicate such infrastructures constitutes a major obstacle to practical implementation and evaluation of research in this domain. Currently, most research into Cloud computing relies on either limited software simulation, or the use of a test bed environments with a handful of machines. The recent introduction of the Raspberry Pi, a low-cost, low-power single-board computer, has made the construction of a miniature Cloud DCs more affordable. In this paper, we present the Glasgow Raspberry Pi Cloud (PiCloud), a scale model of a DC composed of clusters of Raspberry Pi devices. The PiCloud emulates every layer of a Cloud tack, ranging from resource virtualization to network behaviour, providing a full-featured Cloud Computing search and educational environment.

7.    Long Range Image radio transmitter -  2013

Slow scan television (SSTV) image transmission system is used by many decades by radio amateurs. There are numerous modes, some for B/W others for color images. We choose the Robot36 mode because it is transmitting color images and because is widely used. Usually this requires a PC to capture and process the data to get the audio signal necessary for transmission. In recent years the development of low cost embedded platforms open the possibility to replace the large PC with a small ARM boards to do all the video capture and single processing. In this case we used on of the cheapest model: Raspberry PI. For signal modulation and radio transmission, a miniature solution was developed using parts commercially available. The transmitter runs on 433.8MHz, output power 1.5W, and uses narrow band FM modulation, as the SSTV standard requires. Because of the small size relative to dissipate power, heat dissipation was carefully investigated. On the image was overlaid the data taken from GPS as an “on screen display” (OSD).

For details contact Robert @ +91 9962382012


Unknown said...

nice blog .regulaly update the contents.nice.........

Jeff Roble said...

It seems that your writings are combining the most advance technology and the most preferable methods in medical practice.

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